October 22, 2015

Monkeyrama: First week

Monkeyrama has been out for a full week now and so far it seems it's not a complete failure!

The unit download count is less than a thousand still but the visibility and reviews it's received show tremendous promise!

Here are some of the highlights:

Amongst all the App Store user reviews and media-written reviews the average rating is about 4.8/5!

Some figures (probably not very insightful as the user base is only ~800 and 1 week lifetime):

  • D1 retention avg. ~40%
  • Sessions per user ~1.7
  • Avg. session length 23 minutes

So, even if the download count isn't that high yet, to me the launch has been such a success that it's a no-brainer to keep on improving it.

Version 1.1 is currently brewing and will be out soon bringing more levels in an all-new Winter episode. Version 1.2 is a bigger bunch including Game Center (leaderboards + achievements) and new Challenge Modes!

And all of the above makes me one happy Monkey!


  1. Congrats! Any practical or particular reason for not including game center in the launch?

    1. To be honest, I just wanted to get the game out as soon as possible. No other reason than that. :)
